Madnesscrazy vs. Jeff

It was just an average day at school for Cooper; he would sit in class bored off his mind, pondering about certain things he read off the Internet. Among them, was a homicidal manic known as Jeff the Killer, known for his random violence and murder of many townsfolk, spreading fear into the people and for his catchphrase: GO TO SLEEP. Cooper got deeper and deeper in his thoughts until the bell rung for the end of school, snapping him back into reality, the boy headed out of class but stopped for a moment and felt as if he was being watched, he shrugged it off as some bird or rat that was flying/running around the place.
He walked down through his usual route to his home, halfway there he tripped over the curb and saw a figure with a white bloodstained hoodie and black pants. “Here.” The figure extended one of his hands to help, Cooper couldn’t see the figure's face so he took his hand and responded, “What do you want?” He was a bit disturbed how the stranger’s hand felt like leather.
“The only thing, I want to make you beautiful or send you to sleep.” The figure pulls out a kitchen knife from behind and attempts to slice his hand only for him to miss. “WHAT THE HELL, YOU ALMOST CUT MY HAND OFF YOU PSYCHOPA….”
He paused to notice that the hands of his attacker were white and after putting the pieces together something clicked in his mind and he instantly knew who the stranger was. “Jeff…” he mumbled.
“Heh, SO! You know who I am!” Jeff exclaimed, “You must also know what I do, correct?”
"Are you kidding?” Cooper replied. “There are a whole bunch of stories of your encounters on the internet, WHO DOESN’T KNOW YOU?!”
"Perhaps, this dead woman..." Jeff dragged a body from behind the trash cans, and Cooper realised who this was, it was his mother, she had a stab wound on her chest and her face was carved to be identical to Jeff's, he threw the corpse in the direction of the Cooper.
"MOTHER!" he yelled as he ran towards her side, with tears in his eyes. "What did you do you her?!"
"Easy," Jeff replied, "I sent her to sleep, then made her beautiful, and soon, you will join her Cooper." He chuckled evilly and prepared to attack, but stopped in his tracks when he heard the boy mumble something.
"What was that?" Jeff asked in curiosity, "Are they your last words?"
He saw the boy trembling violently, undeterred by this, Jeff continued closing on his prey until Cooper suddenly yelled, "Ex Annulis obscuris, spiritus ignis, grando et fulgur, devolvat furorem in hoc puer!"
Jeff paused in confusion. "What?"
The boy looked directly at Jeff; his eyes became completely black, he said something in a much deeper, more sinister tone than his normal voice, "Darkest of dark, spirits of fire, ice and lightning, UNLEASH THIS CHILD'S FURY!"
The necklace he wore glowed with a bright light and Cooper erupted in a burst of black fire.
Jeff smiled to himself when it happened, "Ha! The idiot intended to kill me but ended up killing himsel-!"
A sudden bolt of lightning blasted out of the fire and struck Jeff in the chest and into the trash cans. Jeff quickly recovered from this. "What the- ?!" he said in shock only to be struck again by a similar bolt.
"Who are you!?" Jeff yelled after recovering from the second strike.
The only response he got was an explosion of black fire which fogged up his view, "Where are you?!"
Jeff yelled in the black smoke, "RIGHT HERE!" He turned only to be met with a clawed hand punching him square in the face, forcing him to land on Cooper's mother's corpse.
“WHAT ARE YOU!?” Jeff screamed in frustration. “You don’t recognize me Jeff, you must really have a short memory. It’s me, Cooper!” Jeff was shocked, how could someone like him be losing to a kid with no strength in his bones?
“Lose the tough guy act, Cooper, you’re not tough!” Jeff said in the smoke, “You probably have set traps here and I am setting them off!” He looked for any trap triggers, anything to signify that what he believed Cooper was doing was a trick.
“No tricks here, Jeff, this is all really happening.” A cold gust of wind blew the smoke away revealing what had really happened to Cooper, his skin was darkened, claws developed on his hands, his teeth became all canines, his hair and clothes were roughed up and his eyes had red rings around them.